Singer Loretta Lynn Contacts PA Author Marla Woolsey, author of A Trucker's Wife received a phone call from singer Loretta Lynn's assistant asking for a review copy of the book for Ms. Lynn to read. Actress/Director Denic Duff requests review copy Lila L. Pinord, author of Skye Dancer. received a note from Denic Duff, saying she would love to read her book.Ms. Duff is an actress on "The Young and the Restless","The Last Patient", and "Subspecies" movies.She is also a photographer and movie director. She just finished directing "Song of the Vampire". The Washington Post's Book World Review Rescued By a Cow and a Squeeze by Mary Carpenter was reviewed in The Washington Post's Book World, in the Sunday, July 13, 2003 edition. Ms. Carpenter's review was among other notable titles such as Dr. Atkin's New Diet Revolution and Hilary's Living History. Dr. Ruth Calls PA Author Dr. Ruth Westheimer called Bella Beaudoin, author of Erotic Fantasies for Romantic Couples to congratulate her on the publication of the book. Dr Ruth also wished Ms. Beaudoin much luck with it. 2002 San Diego Published Book Award Siddharth Katragadda, author of Dark Rooms, won 2nd Prize at the 2002 San Diego Published Book Awards (one of the most prestigious Book Awards in the Southern California Area for books published in a particular year) for Poetry. Jamie Farr TV celebrity JAMIE FARR has joined the PublishAmerica family. Mr. Farr, known worldwide as "Klinger" in the '70s TV series M*A*S*H, has written a children's Christmas book, "Hababy's Christmas Eve", that will be released in the Fall of this year. The book will be co-authored by the actor's wife Joy. Woman's World Magazine Margie S. Robertson-Toone, author of The Country Gourmet: Easy Country Recipes & Memories of Mama will be interviewed for a feature story, complete with photos, in the September 2, 2003 issue of Woman's World Magazine. This issue will be available on August 26th, just in time for Christmas. Montel Williams Show Mark and Debra Wein with Rusty Fischer, authors of Playground Justice will be appearing on The Montel Williams Show in September 2003. More details to follow.
Al Pacino Al Pacino's manager has contacted Robert Amoroso, author of Journey requesting a copy of a screenplay he co-wrote with his friend.
PA Author to Appear on BET
L. Marie Wood, author of Crescendo: Welcome Home, Death Awaits will appear on the BET Cable Channel on October 31st, at 11:00 p.m. on the BET Nightly Show.
Goldie Hawn Cosmic Entertainment, which is Goldie Hawn's company, has requested a review copy for Rosalie Kramer's book "Dancing in the Dark". Nicholas Cage Nicolas Cage's Production Company Saturn Films has requested a copy of Divine Intervention.
People Magazine Reviewers at People Magazine have requested a copy of Rescued By a Cow and a Squeeze" by Mary Carpenter for possible inclusion in a future issue.
Clive Barker Clive Barker has contacted Jacqueline Bennett Schumacher, author of White Trash Tales Of The Paranormal requesting a copy of the book.
Lifetime Network Violet Towe, author of The Evil Stalker and Death by Bad Magic, will be profiled on national TV by Lifetime Network on their show 'What Should You Do?' The author survived a brutal gang attack in her own home last year, and wrote a detailed account on PublishAmerica's author message board. Her attackers, who also assaulted her husband, recently received lengthy prison sentences. The show will air on September 6, 2003 at 11PM.
Actress Betty White Reading PA Book Emmy-Award-Winning actress Betty White has agreed to read Angels in the Dust by Mary Edwards. Ms. White's secretary has been in contact with Ms. Edwards to obtain the review copy.
Ray Bradbury Ray Bradbury has read and reviewed Blood is Pretty by Steven Paul Leiva. Mr. Bradbury's review appears prominently on the front cover. He states, "Steve Leiva not only promises but delivers. This is a fine first novel. Bravo!" Poets & Writers Plumbing in Harlem, by Joe Benevento will be featured in the September/October 2003 issue of the prestigious magazine, Poets & Writers. CBS2 NY Interview Max Power, author of Lightning Has Struck, was interviewed on CBS2 NY News on Sunday, August 31 at 7:25 a.m. by Brendan Keefe. FilmEngine FilmEngine, a Hollywood based film production company, founded by Anthony Rhulen and actors Josh Hartnett and Elden Hensen, has been in contact with Gregg J. Haugland, author of Deception on Margin and has requested a copy of his book to consider for a film.
ABC News and CNN Interviews Author Recently, Michael Streed, author of Sketch Cops was interviewed by ABC News on 20/20 and CNN with Connie Chung. Read More (ABC)... Read More (CNN)...
How to Destroy a Village News Jason Fodeman, author of How to Destroy a Village: What the Clintons Taught A Seventeen Year Old has appeared on the following shows: Hardball on MSNBC 700 Club C-SPAN's Book TV Rush Limbaugh Show Sean Hannity's Show Fox & Friends Scarborough Country
Additionally, review requests have been received from: The O'Reilly Factor Imus in the Morning MSNBC National Review Oliver North The Washington Post The Washington Times The National Review WorldNetDaily The Weekly Standard Boy Scouts of America NewsMax Media Inc. God Squad John Lofton Gun Owners of America Pat Buchanan The 700 Club Amer. Family Assoc. Focus on the Family KSFO Radio Kudlow & Company The American Spectator
Montel Williams Laura Porras will be a guest on the Montel Williams show this winter. She is being flown to NY from Seattle on December 9th to appear on set with Montel on the 10th. The topic of discussion will be child sex offenders. Laura's 14 year old son is currently doing time for Rape. Many of her poems in Alias "The Rose" are related to surviving the cycle of abuse and working through her emotions positively. Having been a victim herself she will have much to talk about.
The Ann Arbor News The Ann Arbor News, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, a large city of 110,000, weekly ranks its bestselling books, comparing the New York Times bestseller list with local sales in Barnes & Noble, Waldenbooks and independent bookstores. Last week, our author Carolyn Rowe Hill ranked in the top-10! Surrounded by celebrity names such as Nora Roberts, Michael Crichton and Dean Koontz, Carolyn's book Dead Angel reached an impressive 7th place. Books For Troops Update PublishAmerica received a letter from the American Red Cross Team for Operation Enduring Freedom in Kuwait, thanking us and our authors for the books we shipped to the troops. Dear Friends, On behalf of the Camp Doha American Red Cross and the ARCENT-KU Command, we wish to extend our grateful appreciation to you for the boxes of books you provided for the soldiers, sailors , marines and airmen assigned to this deployment. Your continued support lets them know that the American public cares and remembers then during the separation from family and loved ones. Frequently, service members will visit our office just to rest and talk. During these visits, we share your hospitality and gifts. Please extend our sincere thanks to all of those people and organizations that assisted and donated to your efforts. Again, we thank you for showing your concern and support. We couldn't do what we do without it! Sincerely, (signed) Operation Enduring Freedom Red Cross Team "Operation Enduring Freedom" Vice President Cheney's Wife Receives PA Book Mary Erickson, author of Ten Times Have the Lilies Blown, has received a hand-signed letter from Vice President Cheney's wife Lynne. Dear Ms. Erickson, Thank you for sending me a copy of your suspense novel, Ten Times Have the Lilies Blown, after hearing me talk about my favorite books on NPR. I appreciate your thoughfulness. Sincerely, (signed) Lynne V. Cheney
Christopher Lee to Read PA Book Critically-acclaimed actor Christopher Lee (The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Star Wars, Episode II, etc.) has received and will be reading C.C. Colee's book, RB: The Widow Maker. Mr. Lee responded with a signed photograph for C.C. Colee and a handwritten letter:
I enclose a photograph from "The Lord of the Rings" for Hattie and Debbie, as a sign of appreciation for all the kind words in their letter. Please give them my best wishes. "Cody" might be interested to know that in 1975 I met Iron Eyes Cody on the Mike Douglas show, where he showed me the War Bonnet of Sitting Bull. The inside was lined with the crown of a member of the U.S. Cavalry hat! Also please thank them for "The Widow Maker." I look forward to reading it. Sincerely, (signed) Christopher Lee
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