Gabriel Gherasim's "Victims of Communism and Their Persecutors" video presentation.
G. L. Giles Interview
Veronica White: Promotional Video
Rosemary Kwofie: TV interview
Shanteria "Poetizer" Griglen
Shanteria "Poetizer" Griglen
Salina P. Mckinzie
Yolanda Smith
Reid Jackson
Lacey Weatherford
Laurie D'Ghent
Laurie D'Ghent
Laurie D'Ghent
Christine Alt-Parry
Christine Alt-Parry
Shelli Ekstrom
Claudia Gaytan
Harold Harvey
Lori Mazzola
Ann Knox
Sandra Rains
Michaela Sefler Metaphysical Poetry Diamond Bookstore, Montreal
August 15, 2009
Adie Bishop Rock a Bye
Tee Stuppiello Teenager Rules or Teenagers Rule Borders Express (Woodbridge Center Mall; Woodbridge, NJ) December 13, 2008
Mark Freeman The Kindling of Greenfyr: Book One of the Reunification Conspiracy Barnes & Noble (North Haven, CT) November 18, 2008
Clark Wayne Leeth The Haunting of Downing Chapel Books 'n' More (Wilmington, OH) March 29, 2008
Maria De La Gandara Wings AND Treasure of Poetry AND CHANGE October 17, 2005
Paul Collins Mystery of Everyman's Way Webmania (CTV News) September 2004
Maria De La Gandara Wings AND Treasure of Poetry AND CHANGE June 8, 2004
Colleen Morse The Gentleman in the Lake WVVA News
Metha Leanne Todd The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth, so Help Me GOD
Abdul Ahad First Ark to Alpha Centauri Channel S Television
Evan Pedone Assassin's Mace
Angela Dublin They Watch
Jason Macumber Obscure Origins
Rob Sargeant A Silent Violence
Cathy Mankin The Key
Billie A. Williams The Capricorn Goat
Melissa S. Diaz Bree
Barbara Korsness Spirit Wind
Andy Serrano Mijo
Shannon Nicole Wells Wild Heart
Elizabeth Alan Right to Work
Hope Cundiff An Angel Took My Hand - Madi's Legacy
Alan C. Thomas FLASHBACK: Vietnam: COVER-UP: PTSD
Grizman Parker Prisons of the Mind: A Spiritual Journey to Inner Change
Grizman Parker Stairway to Terror: Nightmares from Behind Prison Walls
Robert Urban From Ohio to Now
Cecilia Baldini-Chavez The Silver-Golden Feather Secreted at El Dorado
Royal Delano Wayne The Desert Rat and The Fur Trapper Red Rock Books
J. L. Manning The Night Watchman
Gabriel Gherasim Happiness in Our Daily Lives
Dugan Damron Old Shorty
Louise Lancaster Preachers, Prominence, & Prostitutes
Mark Freeman The Kindling of GreenFyr Connecticut Style
Elder Clyde Bolden Bridging the Gulf: Understanding and Ministering to Hip-Hop Youth
Patricia Yarbrough Will My Morning Ever Come
Barbara Spring The Dynamic Great Lakes and The Wilderness Within and Sophia's Lost and Found: Poems of Above and Below
Ben Kamen The Great Divide
Jason Lewis The Taste of Tears

Minister Willie Wiggins Jr
"The Last Chapter"
Gabriel Gherasim
The Story Of The Queen Bee
Gabriel Gherasim
Lands beyond the forest Poems about Transylvania
Stephanie R. Barry
Still Standing Through the Storms
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